High-Performance .NET Application Development & Architecture


It has always been a goal of project architects to plan an effective strategy from the ground up in regards to an new application. All relevant factors are taken into consideration with respect to the application, from its design and layout to a functional website infrastructure. Pre-.NET strategies and design guidelines still effective now were developed with Microsoft's DNA (Distributed interNet Application) platform. This model successfully served the purpose of architecting N(any number of)-Tier (levels) applications. In its basic sense, as in most robust, distributed applications, you'll architect 3 main layers or Tiers: presentation, business rules and data access.

Now, each independent layer within itself, is another issue altogether. Each one has its own methodologies regarding its perspective best practices. In other words, many factors will determine its proper design, efficient data access and visually pleasing presentation. That is why each Tier, with respect to the overall success and health of your application, should be maximally optimized. So in light of such, we'll go through each Tier and dependent of your situation, offer the very best methods resulting in one robust, secure and high-performance distributed application.

One issue that is slightly bemused is that of Performance and Scalability. However similar these may sound in end-result, none could be further from the truth. Performance is a matter of responsiveness, how well a application performs, as our General .NET Best Practices section below will help you capitalize on. Scalability is another subject slightly paralleling performance only within the confines that it has to be high-performance for all users and not affect anyone else nor the tie up the server for that matter. Highly-scalable applications do their best to absolutely minimize network traffic, and server-side database interaction. By these measures then, could scalability be in collaboration with performance.

At any rate, as aforementioned, architecting a robust application involves the time-tested, structurally sound methodology in having an application made up of separate, easily maintainable components that would require modification only once to effect site-wide changes. This, among other things, creates harmony among IT teams, guaranteeing no one will interfere with or break someone else's work. The parts individually, in this sense, are on par to the sum total. To digress, how many audiophiles would buy a all-in-one stereo unit, rather than various individual high performance components? Right, I think none would.

Anyway, before proceeding on, this article assumes you have some basic .NET and or development experience. Still, it's important to realize that this article is a codified manual of tips and optimization techniques for the more or less experienced developer and, or expert looking for more ways in maximizing an application. Beginners may find it hard in following some sections. Nevertheless, I have made ample effort to direct beginners to any outside sources where more in-depth information is available, should one require it, and recommended.

In any case, we'll begin.

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About the author

Dimitrios Markatos

Dimitrios Markatos United States

Dimitrios, or Jimmy as his friends call him, is a .NET developer/architect who specializes in Microsoft Technologies for creating high-performance and scalable data-driven enterprise Web and des...

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