Creating a Members Area in ASP

Registration Form (2)

We can use the following code to check if these are correct. If an error does occur, we add the error message to strError.

Dim strError
'validate the form
'check if a username has been entered
If Request.Form("username") = "" Then strError = strError & "- Please enter a username<br>" & vbNewLine
'check if a password has been entered
If Request.Form("password") = "" Then strError = strError & "- Please enter a password<br>" & vbNewLine
'check if the passwords are the same... but don't display it if the password field is blank.
If Request.Form("password") <> Request.Form("password_confirm") _
    And Request.Form("password") <> "" Then _
        strError = strError & "- Your passwords do not match<br>" & vbNewLine

Once we have performed the validation, we check to see if strError contains any text. If it does, an error has occured, and we display a message. Otherwise, we can continue:

If strError = "" Then
End If
If strError <> "" Then
    'output the error message
    'add extra HTML...
    strError = "<p><font color=""#FF0000"">The following errors occured:</font><br>" & vbNewLine & strError
End If

You may wonder why we haven't condensed this code into an If... Then... Else statement. This is because strError may well be filled inside the continue block, so we want to check to see if it isn't empty again.

Now, we need to add some extra ASP code in order to display the validation error that occured, and also remember any text the user has inputted. For example,

<input type="text" maxlength=20 name="username">


<input type="text" maxlength=20 name="username" value="<%=Server.HTMLEncode(Request.Form("username"))%>">

Although in most instances,
<input type="text" maxlength=20 name="username" value="<%=Request.Form("username")%>">
would be perfectly sufficient, we add the Server.HTMLEncode command to ensure that any 'funny' characters the user has entered (such as < and ") are still displayed correctly.

You can see the rest of the code we add in the final version of register.asp. For now, we'll move on to creating the user's entry into the database (and checking if the username has been taken or not). At this stage, we need to include the database connection code:

<!--#include file="inc-dbconnection.asp"-->

and now we can execute an SQL statement to create the new record:

On Error Resume Next
sSQL = "INSERT INTO members (username,password) VALUES " & _
   "('" & fixQuotes(Request.Form("username")) & "','" & _
   fixQuotes(Request.Form("password")) & "')"
cConn.Execute sSQL

You will notice that within the SQL statement, we call a fixQuotes procedure. This procedure replaces all occurrances of ' with '' in the username and password fields. If we didn't do this, an error would occur when a user entered a ' within the username or password field.

Once this statement has been executed, we need to check if an error has occured; if it has, there is probably a conflict with an existing entry in the database (ie the username is already in use)

If Err.Number = -2147217900 Then 'ATTENTION: this error number needs to be changed depending on the database format you are using
    strError = "- That username is already in use. Please choose another<br>" & vbNewLine
ElseIf Err.Number <> 0 Then
    strError = "- An error occured. " & Err.Number & " : " & Err.Description & "<br>" & vbNewLine
    'restore standard error handling
    On Error Goto 0
    'record created... redirect
    Response.Redirect "login.asp?msg=" & _
         Server.URLEncode("Thank you for registering. Please log in using your new username and password")
End If
'restore standard error handling
On Error Goto 0

And that's it! Our registration form is complete. Now we can move on to create our login form.

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About the author

James Crowley

James Crowley United Kingdom

James first started this website when learning Visual Basic back in 1999 whilst studying his GCSEs. The site grew steadily over the years while being run as a hobby - to a regular monthly audien...

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