Using the Inet Control


This article will show you how to create a server component using Internet Transfer Control. I shall talk about the ITC (Internet Transfer Control) in more detail shortly but first of all let's see why do we need this component. This component can be used to download files from the Internet especially the image files. You might find some download components on the Internet which will allow you to download text or html files but have you ever tried to download a binary file with such components? This component will show you how to download binary files from the Internet. The component was created in VB and has been tested in both VB and ASP. You can download images from your local intranet as well as from the remote sites. Today's applications are expected to extend their reach globally. An application should be able to download files from any computer connected to the Internet. Luckily, Microsoft has created an ActiveX control that makes accessing files on the Internet much easier.

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About the author

S.S. Ahmed United States

S.S. Ahmed is a senior IT Professional and works for a web and software development firm. Ahmed is a Microsoft Office SharePoint Server MVP. Ahmed specializes in creating database driven dynamic...

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“Anyone who considers arithmetic methods of producing random digits is, of course, in a state of sin.” - John von Neumann