ADO and Unicode


This article explains how to use Microsoft ADO to add and update unicode code points stored in an Oracle UTF8 database.


  1. From Unicode.html the user enters a Unicode code point like ! and it's unicode value U0021 and presses submit.
  2. The data transaction occurs in submit_to_database.asp
  3. The data is retrieved using database_results.asp

Important concepts to know about Unicode

  • The Unicode Standard specifies a numeric value and a name for each of its characters.
  • Unicode encodes characters not glyphs (shapes of the character). Multiple glyphs can be assigned to a single character.
  • Unicode is an industrial standard for character presentation.
  • The Unicode Standard provides international exchange of data. Unicode can by stored in a UTF-8 database. UTF-8 is a common encoding schema for exchanging information in HTML and other character file structures.
  • The Unicode Standard provides a standardized character-set, greater exchange of information, and reduction in development costs

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David Nishimoto United States

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