ActiveX Data Objects

ActiveX Data Objects

ADO is the object-based interface that provides a logical set of objects you can access from code. These objects are:




Manages the connection with the data source


Defines the commands that will be executed against the data source


Contains the data that is retrieved from the data source

These objects present an interface in the form of properties and methods that can be queried and manipulated. ADO was specifically developed to be small, lightweight, fast, and feature complete – everything you need when you are programming either for the database applications or the Internet.

An important thing in ADO is that the objects in this model are not dependant on one another. This means that you can create instances of objects independently of one another, for example, you can create a Recordset object without creating a connection object. Unlike the older technologies, ADO is more flexible, ADO code is easier to write, read and maintain. ADO is built on top of OLE DB and is capable of accessing any sort of data that is wrapped and exposed by an appropriate OLE DB provider.

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