This tutorial covers the free SocketWrench control from Catalyst Development, and how to use it for Windows Socket programming. If you are not familiar with TCP/IP, I recommend you read the Introduction to TCP/IP tutorial first.
Because SocketWrench has a large number of properties, you might feel overwhelmed when you start reading through the technical reference material. Don’t worry -- you only need to understand how to use a handful of properties and events to get started. Once you’ve become more comfortable and knowledgeable about sockets programming, you’ll appreciate the power and flexibility that SocketWrench gives you.
Each control that you use corresponds to one socket, which may or may not be connected to a remote host. If you need access to multiple sockets, you must use multiple controls, typically as a control array. This is most commonly needed when your application acts as a server and must be able to handle several connections at one time.