Below is a list of some of the other messages you can catch when subclassing, and when they occur. For the constant declarations, use the API Viewer. Take a look at the SDK documentation in MSDN for extensive definitions and what is actually passed in the lParam and wParam parameters (these vary from message to message)
Message | Occurs... |
WM_MOVE | when the form is moved |
WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN | when the left mouse button is pressed on the title bar |
WM_NCLBUTTONUP | when the left mouse button is raised off the title bar |
WM_NCLBUTTONDBLCLK | when the left mouse button is double clicked on the title bar |
WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN | when the right mouse button is pressed on the title bar |
WM_NCRBUTTONUP | when the right mouse button is raised off the title bar |
WM_NCRBUTTONDBLCLK | when the right mouse button is double clicked on the title bar |
WM_NCMOUSEMOVE | when the mouse is moved over the titlebar |
WM_NCACTIVATE | when the title bar is activated |
WM_ACTIVATE | when the form is activated |
WM_EXITSIZEMOVE | when the mouse is released after moving the form |
WM_VSCROLL | when the textbox is scrolled vertically |
WM_HSCROLL | when the textbox is scrolled horizontally |
WM_MENUSELECT | when a menu is moved over by the mouse. |
WM_PAINT | when the form is redrawn |
WM_GETMINMAXINFO | when windows requests the minimum and maximum form sizes |
WM_NOTIFY | when a control on the form is sent a message |