In Visual Basic, you can declare you own types or classes in a module or form. This will then behave as any other object in Visual Basic, except it only has properties. For example, the Screen object in Visual Basic exposes a number of properties, including FontCount and ActiveControl. These can be accessed by entering Screen.FontCount. You can create a custom version of this, that will allow you to define various elements that can store values. For example:
Type EmployeeRecord ' Create user-defined type.
ID As Integer ' Define elements of data type.
Name As String * 20 ' Fill with 20 spaces
Address As String * 30 ' Fill with 30 spaces
Phone As Long
HireDate As Date
End Type
This user-defined type has 5 properties. At the moment you cannot access them, as Visual Basic requires that you declare another variable that is referenced to this user-defined type:
Dim MyRecord As EmployeeRecord
Note that if you want to declare a Type in a form, it must be declared as private. So, the following code fills a few values into this user-defined type:
Private Type EmployeeRecord ' Create user-defined
ID As Integer ' Define elements of data type.
Name As String * 20 ' Fill with 20 spaces
Address As String * 30 ' Fill with 30 spaces
Phone As Long
HireDate As Date
Private End Type
' Reference variable to user-defined type
Dim MyRecord As EmployeeRecord ' Declare variable.
' Comment1_Click event.
Sub Command1_Click()
' Assignment to EmployeeRecord variable must occur in a procedure.
MyRecord.ID = 12003 ' Assign a value to an element.
MyRecord.Phone = 1813670690
End Sub