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High Performance Flash: Performance tuning for Flash, Flex, AIR and Mobile applications

High Performance Flash: Performance tuning for Flash, Flex, AIR and Mobile applications
Elad Elrom, RJ Owen
31 May 2011
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Adobe's Flash player runs on a huge number of devices from desktops to smartphones to internet TVs. To create consistent experiences across these different devices, you must possess a high level of understanding of the internal Flash compiler as well as know when to follow rules and when to break them.High Performance Flash covers the detailed optimization of Flash applications and shows you how to get your applications running consistently across multiple devices.

Editorial Reviews

Adobe's Flash player runs on a huge number of devices from desktops to smartphones to internet TVs. To create consistent experiences across these different devices, you must possess a high level of understanding of the internal Flash compiler as well as know when to follow rules and when to break them.

High Performance Flash covers the detailed optimization of Flash applications and shows you how to get your applications running consistently across multiple devices. It also includes optimization tips for Flash CS5's brand-new iPhone export facility, enabling you to produce smooth and reactive experiences across the board.

What you'll learn

  • Improve Flash performance and perceived speed
  • Gain a better understand Flash internals and how to write efficient code
  • Improve your coding and know when to follow the rules and when to break them
  • Test and monitor your Flash applications performance and find memory leaks
  • Decrease the size of your SWF
  • Improve the initialization of your Flash applications
  • Architect your Flash projects to the highest standards

Who this book is for

All Flash (and Flex) developers and engineers who care about the user experience on their sites and want excellent Flash performance.

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