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Windows Phone 7 Application Development For Dummies

Windows Phone 7 Application Development For Dummies
Bill Hughes, Indrajit Chakrabarty
09 Aug 2011
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Learn to build great applications for the new Windows Phone 7 platform!Whether you're a budding developer or a professional programmer, this four-color reference covers all the details for developing applications specifically for the Windows Phone 7 platform. The straightforward-but-fun approach tackles not only building an application that is sellable and fulfills user demands, but also shows you how to navigate getting your apps into the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

Editorial Reviews

Learn to build great applications for the new Windows Phone 7 platform!

Whether you're a budding developer or a professional programmer, this four-color reference covers all the details for developing applications specifically for the Windows Phone 7 platform. The straightforward-but-fun approach tackles not only building an application that is sellable and fulfills user demands, but also shows you how to navigate getting your apps into the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace.

  • Guides both novice and professional developers through building amazing applications for the new Windows Phone 7 platform
  • Covers working with graphics, designing games, selling apps, and more
  • Provides a helpful introduction to Windows Phone 7 to set a foundation for the app development process
  • Addresses architectural options for your Windows Phone 7application
  • Takes a look at the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace and helps guide you through the submission process

If you're ready to get started developing your own apps for the new Windows Phone 7 platform, then open up Windows Phone 7 Application Development For Dummies and see how it sparkles!

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