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JavaScript for PHP Developers

JavaScript for PHP Developers
Stoyan Stefanov
22 Apr 2012
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Ready to expand your PHP web development skills with JavaScript? With this guide, you can leverage your experience with PHP to pick up JavaScript quickly. Both languages share the C language syntax, enabling you to skip similarities such as conditions and loops to focus on JavaScript’s unique object creation, classes, prototypes, and inheritance.

Editorial Reviews

Ready to expand your PHP web development skills with JavaScript? With this guide, you can leverage your experience with PHP to pick up JavaScript quickly. Both languages share the C language syntax, enabling you to skip similarities such as conditions and loops to focus on JavaScript’s unique object creation, classes, prototypes, and inheritance.

PHP is a valuable web development tool on its own, but with the increase in client-side development, knowledge of JavaScript has become essential for working with today’s Web. By concentrating on the differences between these languages, this book helps PHP programmers, web architects, and back-end and front-end engineers get up to speed on JavaScript in no time. JavaScript for PHP Developers also provides a complete and convenient reference JavaScript.

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