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Building an ExpressionEngine 2 Site: Small Business

Building an ExpressionEngine 2 Site: Small Business
Michael Boyink
07 Feb 2012
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So, you've heard about ExpressionEngine 2 - the rockin' web publishing platform from EllisLab? Or, maybe you've already purchased it, and now need a resource to help ease the learning curve? Meet Building an ExpressionEngine 2 Site for Small Business - a 362-page, 148 screen-capture bundle of development joy lovingly written with the sole purpose of getting you up to speed on ExpressionEngine 2 as quickly as possible.

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So, you've heard about ExpressionEngine 2 - the rockin' web publishing platform from EllisLab? Or, maybe you've already purchased it, and now need a resource to help ease the learning curve? Meet Building an ExpressionEngine 2 Site for Small Business - a 362-page, 148 screen-capture bundle of development joy lovingly written with the sole purpose of getting you up to speed on ExpressionEngine 2 as quickly as possible. By reading this book you will learn how to create a full-featured, database-driven, easy-to-manage, and secure small business website complete with ExpressionEngine 2. The sample site's content includes a home page, an about section, products and services content, a weblog, and a contact form. Also covered are handling 404's, implementing the EE search engine, optimizing the site for performance, and configuring it for client access.

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