ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed

ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed
Patrick Lorenz, Patrick A. Lorenz, Apress
03 Nov 2003
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If you are looking for a good overview... then you would appreciate ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed by Patrick Lorenz. — James Maratan, Central Maryland ASP Professionals The new version of ASP.NET includes many practical functions and a lot of frequently requested features, including Master Pages, Themes, site navigation, site counters and many more.

Editorial Reviews

The 2.0 version of ASP.NET includes many practical functions and a lot of frequently requested features, including Master Pages, Themes, site navigation, site counters and many more. And with the help of the new provider model, you can now create many functions in so-called zero-code scenarios, without even one line of source code.


Furthermore, the new version offers features for building web applications in Visual Studio .NET, including full IntelliSense for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and inline ASP.NET code; projectless development; and a newer, simpler code-behind model. With so many attractive additions to the new version, youll want a top-notch manual to guide you. ASP.NET 2.0 Revealed will empower you to jump in and start exploring ASP.NET 2.0!

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