Visual C# 2005 How to Program (2nd Edition)

Visual C# 2005 How to Program (2nd Edition)
Harvey Paul Deitel Deitel
25 Dec 2005
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The complete, authoritative DeitelA (R) Live-Code introduction to object-oriented programming with C# 2.0, Visual C#A (R) 2005, ADO.NET 2.0, ASP.NET 2.0 and Web Services! C# is one of the world's most powerful object-oriented languages. This new edition, which is completely updated to C# 2.0 and Visual C#A (R) 2005, uses a carefully paced early classes and objects approach.

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Customer Reviews

D. Ricks said
WARNING: Quite frankly this is not a book for beginning programming students. It moves at an accelerated rate and does not offer any basic examples of introduced material. You MUST have your basic OOP concepts down cold BEFORE you begin reading. I heard this a lot about Deitel books, so please be aware.

For example: in Ch. 9 Classes and Objects: A Deeper Look, he introduces us to Indexers (simply a way of accessing an object like an array). He offers a brief discussion, a syntax example and immediately goes into a 3-page code example that completely convolutes the description/definition of a very simple point.

I've heard this complaint a lot about Deitel books and it primarily boils down to balancing the goals of building a tool for students (which he claims this is for) and an accurate reference for Academic Faculty or Industry approval. He claims to have had (3) student interns on the book, however I suspect they were in advanced degree curricula, thus not really qualified to offer a beginners viewpoint.

Regardless, I must confess I have not covered the book completely cover to cover, and must concede that this book does contain a vast ocean of material for reference. However, I suspect that many will be rereading material over and over again (besides trips to MSDN to get better descriptions).

Also, the ink on the pages smear like crazy. At least I know where I've been...

Chum said
Deitel books are great because they come in full color (a great pedagogic help), this one doesn't, this book is worthless without color, Thers is no value added in it, no diferentiation, you can use others instead.

I like the how to program series from Deitel, I own several books including the Java third edition and the C++ second edition. my favorite is the java because has a neat cyberspace add on. The book is ideal for a Java programer who likes to learn Visual C#, the languages are similars making the transition smooth. The book offers numerous code examples and it is easy to download the software from microsoft for free. To my taste I would rather prefered the GUI interface introduced earlier than chapters 13 & 14. it makes the first 12 chapters arid using console interaction only. Overall is an exellent book as the whole how to program series is.

Mike Parker said
The best way to learn C# or any programming language is to type out and debug many programs. This book provides many examples for the same. Although I find this book too wordy, I recommend to read the book to get the best out of it.

C. Krick said
Visual C# 2005 (2nd edition) is an excellent book, while it is very lengthy, the book covers most of the topics with an extreme amount of detail. While the main focus of the book is C#, coverage of XML and ASP is also included. The review questions at the end of each chapter made this book have a text book feeling commonly seen in a classroom, but this was highly useful. This book is not meant as a quick intro into a programming language, but rather an intermediate or deep study of C#.

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