Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days

Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days
Chris Payne
20 Jul 2001
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An introduction to ASP.NET. Ideal for anyone new to Web programming on Windows and for anyone making the leap from the older ASP to the new ASP.NET

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Editorial Reviews

Ideal for anyone new to Web programming on Windows and for anyone making the leap from the older ASP to the new ASP.NET, Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days offers an approachable guide to the latest in Microsoft .NET technologies. The author's example-packed and accessible presentation style help make this title a success.

In a three-week lesson plan (actually this book has 23 lessons, plus three extra "bonus" weekly sample programs), this text walks the reader through the essential APIs and programming techniques needed to use ASP.NET effectively. For those with some previous ASP experience, this book shows what's different (and better) in ASP.NET. (In fact, every chapter has a section marked "But That's Not ASP!" where the author points out gotchas and tips for navigating the richness and complexity of the new ASP.NET.)

After covering basic Web Forms and controls, the author looks at database support and ADO.NET, then XML, in subsequent sections. He uses an online banking application, which is enhanced after each full week, to show off techniques from each group of lessons. (His final, fanciful "BananaMobile" online application, however, might be a bit off the mark for some business readers.) Along the way, there's good coverage here of Web services and the basics of configuring and deploying ASP.NET applications on live servers. A late section on mobile controls glances at Mobile Web controls.

Like other titles in the Teach Yourself series, every lesson presents the reader with a handful of questions (usually about a half dozen), with thorough answers provided in a reference appendix. In all, this title will make ASP.NET accessible for just about anyone, with or without exposure to the older ASP standard. Clearly written and well organized, the author covers a lot of material but doesn't get bogged down with the somewhat daunting details of .NET. --Richard Dragan

Sams Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days introduces readers to ASP.NET through individual lessons contained in chapters. These lessons begins with a thorough overview of the technology and framework involved, and gradually build into more difficult lessons requiring deeper engineering skills and knowledge. Sam's Teach Yourself ASP.NET in 21 Days is the perfect book to introduce beginner and intermediate readers to the new technologies and frameworks presented by ASP.NET. By guiding readers through short but increasingly complex lessons, this book will give the reader a strong foundation in ASP.NET, and the knowledge to develop their own creative solutions. Readers will delve into the new framework, the C# and Visual Basic programming languages, and techniques to approach difficult problems

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