Microsoft Frontpage 2000 Bible

Microsoft Frontpage 2000 Bible
David Elderbrock, David Karlins
21 May 1999
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The FrontPage Bible will help Web creators maximize FrontPage 2000 to its fullest potential. The authors cover basic use of the program and show users how to work with graphics, tables, and frames....

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Editorial Reviews

With FrontPage 2000, creating a Web site has never been easier. Designed to function like any other Office 2000 program -- with the same familiar menus, templates, and wizards -- FrontPage 2000 enables you to build a Web site that integrates interactive multimedia elements, pre-built Office 2000 components such as spreadsheets or databases, and the very latest advances in Web technology. Using precise instructions and lots of examples, Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Bible shows you how to harness the power of this award-winning software -- and create state-of-the-art Web pages.

With its beyond-the-basics content, the Microsoft FrontPage 2000 Bible will help Web creators at any level maximize FrontPage 2000 to its fullest potential. FrontPage 2000 can be used by novice Web developers to create their first Web site and by experienced Web developers to make their jobs easier.

The authors, David Elderbrock and David Karlins, cover basic use of the program and show users how to work with graphics, tables, and frames. As you pore through the book, you'll work on cascading style sheets, forms, discussion webs, scripting languages, ActiveX controls, Java programming, database connectivity, and FrontPage server extensions.

The writers cover difficult tasks, which shows they've actually used the product to tackle the problems described. For instance, the section on DHTML pages explains how to create a DHTML page that works in both Microsoft Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Anyone using FrontPage 2000 will find the book very useful, but power users will really appreciate its breadth and depth. --Rob Franklin

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