Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone

Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone
Carol Hamer
16 Aug 2007
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Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone is a practical build-it-yourself mobile Java games book with lots of complete working code and advice: Shows you how to create a basic game and make it a professional one (by adding a pro look-and-feel by writing your own menus or using the open source J2ME Polish, and enabling marketing/billing from your own web site) Demonstrates Wireless Messaging and other optional APIs (using SMS, PIM, File

Editorial Reviews

Creating Mobile Games: Using Java ME Platform to Put the Fun into Your Mobile Device and Cell Phone is a practical build-it-yourself mobile Java games book with lots of complete working code and advice:

  • Shows you how to create a basic game and make it a professional one (by adding a pro look-and-feel by writing your own menus or using the open source J2ME Polish, and enabling marketing/billing from your own web site)
  • Demonstrates Wireless Messaging and other optional APIs (using SMS, PIM, File Connection, Bluetooth, and so forth in a multiplayer game)
  • Covers MIDP3

What you’ll learn

  • Start using the MIDP2 and MIDP3 in the open-sourced Java ME Games API
  • Add a truly professional look-and-feel to your Java ME games
  • Use threads, tones, and other media
  • Store and retrieve data and enable networking
  • Create advanced interactive messaging with optional APIs for multiplayer gaming
  • Explore a complete business model for independent developers (distributing their own games) as well as for larger companies

Who this book is for

Software engineers with some knowledge of Java who would like to switch to MicroEdition programming, particularly games.

Table of Contents

  1. Getting Started
  2. Using MIDlets
  3. Using the MIDP 2 Games API
  4. Using Threads and Media
  5. Storing and Retrieving Data
  6. Using Network Communications
  7. Advanced Messaging and Data Access
  8. Securing Your Applications
  9. The Mobile 3D Graphics API
  10. Adding a Professional Look and Feel

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