Palm Programming in Basic

Palm Programming in Basic
Jon Kilburn
25 Jan 2002
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Palm Programming in Basic provides a foundation upon which programmers can develop applications for the Palm OS with very little knowledge of the OS itself. It is a comprehensive reference that gets professional programmers up to speed on AppForge, NS Basic, and CASL. The author, Jon Kilburn, shares his vast experience as a developer of dozens of applications for Palm OS in presenting the Palm programming strategies contained in this book.

Editorial Reviews

Palm Programming in Basic provides a foundation upon which programmers can develop applications for the Palm OS with very little knowledge of the OS itself. It is a comprehensive reference that gets professional programmers up to speed on AppForge, NS Basic, and CASL. The author, Jon Kilburn, shares his vast experience as a developer of dozens of applications for Palm OS in presenting the Palm programming strategies contained in this book.

Kilburn clearly explains how to structure programs for Palm devices and how to develop conduits for passing information between PC desktops and Palm devices, and reviews the conduit tools available to developers. Palm Programming in Basic also includes a guide to developing Web Clipping applications, an overview of Palm utilities that all programmers can use, and an appendix on performing data compression.

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