Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host

Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host
Stein Borge
01 Nov 2001
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Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host is targeted toward administrative and support staff in Microsoft networked environments with the aim of automating common administrative tasks. It provides practical solutions to common problems and detailed discussions of the underlying technology used in the solutions.

Editorial Reviews

Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host is targeted toward administrative and support staff in Microsoft networked environments with the aim of automating common administrative tasks. It provides practical solutions to common problems and detailed discussions of the underlying technology used in the solutions.

Author Stein Borge starts with a general introduction to new features in recent versions of WSH, and then covers the file, shell, and network operations using built-in WSH objects. Borge also provides chapters on lesser-known but important aspects of WSH, including standard input/output streams and regular expressions, in addition to covering registry operations using the built-in shell objects and Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) objects.

Managing Enterprise Systems with the Windows Script Host then goes on to cover how to manipulate application objects, such as Microsoft Office, CorelDRAW, and Internet Explorer. Borge also demonstrates how to perform common network tasks, such as network configuration and hardware, event log, and system information retrieval. You'll discover how to work with database access using ActiveX Data Objects (ADO), and how to implement e-mail operations using Collaboration Data Objects (CDO). You'll learn how to perform server administrative tasks such as user, IIS, and Exchange server using the Active Directory Services Interface (ADSI) and, finally, you'll see how complex security operations are performed using WMI and ADSI.

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