BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation

BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation
Xin Chen
15 Nov 2002
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BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation shows developers how to write BizTalk Server 2002 applications by example. Readers will learn BizTalk Server 2002 step-by-step as they read through the chapters and build an actual BizTalk Server application. Readers will also be exposed to the many invaluable lessons that Xin Chen learned by designing and implementing a number of high-profile BizTalk Server projects.

Editorial Reviews

BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation shows developers how to write BizTalk Server 2002 applications by example. Readers will learn BizTalk Server 2002 step-by-step as they read through the chapters and build an actual BizTalk Server application. Readers will also be exposed to the many invaluable lessons that Xin Chen learned by designing and implementing a number of high-profile BizTalk Server projects.

Among other topics covered are the Messaging and Orchestration services, programming BizTalk Server, application deployment, performance and fault tolerance, application security, and many more advanced BizTalk Server features. Also included are design discussions on how to build an effective BizTalk Server 2002 solution. BizTalk Server 2002 Design and Implementation provides everything developers need to know to build an end-to-end BizTalk Server solution.

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