Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Implementing Customer Relationship Management

Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Implementing Customer Relationship Management
Aaron Yetter, Justin Mathena, Hoss Hostetler
17 Dec 2008
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Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Implementing Customer Relationship Management is aimed at readers who are interested in understanding how to successfully implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 within their projects. It is intended as an implementation roadmap for the business and technical representatives leading or engaged in a project.

Editorial Reviews

Success with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0: Implementing Customer Relationship Management is aimed at readers who are interested in understanding how to successfully implement Microsoft Dynamics CRM 4.0 within their projects. It is intended as an implementation roadmap for the business and technical representatives leading or engaged in a project.

The book covers the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics CRM, both in the traditional functional areas of sales, marketing, and service and as an applications framework for XRM deployments. The book demonstrates CRM best practices for design, configuration, and development. Through real–world solutions and exercises, you will be given the confidence and expertise to deliver an implementation that provides long–term success for your organization.

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