Inside Windows Communication Foundation (Pro Developer

Inside Windows  Communication Foundation (Pro Developer
Justin Smith
16 May 2007
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Dive deep into the operation of Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation with this practical, hands-on book--and learn the intricacies of Windows Communication Foundation and service-oriented concepts and implementations. Fundamentally, services are not objects. Given the prevalence of the object-oriented paradigm over the past twenty years, experienced developers need to explore a new way of thinking about architecting solutions.

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Editorial Reviews

Dive deep into the operation of Microsoft Windows Communication Foundation with this practical, hands-on book--and learn the intricacies of Windows Communication Foundation and service-oriented concepts and implementations. Fundamentally, services are not objects. Given the prevalence of the object-oriented paradigm over the past twenty years, experienced developers need to explore a new way of thinking about architecting solutions. Concise and practical, this guide explains the fundamentals of applications built with a service-oriented architecture and how the international standards for Web services are implemented in Windows Communication Foundation. Each chapter includes at least two practical code samples in Microsoft Visual C#®.

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