Switching to Microsoft Windows 7: The Painless Way to Upgrade from Windows XP or Vista

Switching to Microsoft Windows 7: The Painless Way to Upgrade from Windows XP or Vista
Elna Tymes, Charles Prael
29 Nov 2009
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The only Windows 7 book upgraders need!Switching to Microsoft Windows 7? Here’s all the help you’ll ever need!Learn how to move from Windows XP or Windows Vista quickly and painlessly… discover the fast, efficient “Windows 7 way” to perform every common task... do more with your PC than you ever could before! It’s all here... everything from Family Safety to Photo Gallery, to search to security!Every Windows 7 upgrader needs a friendly expert to show them the ropes.

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  1. Editorial Reviews
  2. Customer Reviews

Customer Reviews

Daniel A. Kirkpatrick said
I don't know why people read these books. I just received two (2) copies of Windows 7 Professional version and after going through all the steps prior to install, the magic moment arrived. I quote from message on my screen: "Windows Vista Ultimate cannot be upgraded to Windows 7 Professional. You can choose to install a new copy of Windows 7 Professional instead, but this is different from an upgrade, and does not keep your files, settings, and PROGRAMS".

Talk about adding insult to injury. After suffering through 4 years of use/abuse, the Ultimate version really punishes the User again and again and keeps it up on the kiss off.

What is the painless way NOW? Save up your money and buy a MAC after 25 years of resistance!

R. Riley said
I bought this book in anticipation of switching from Windows XP to Windows 7. This book gives an excellent outline of the procedures by which one can upgrade to Windows 7 from either Windows XP or Windows Vista (the latter of which I never installed). It describes the process of upgrading "from scratch," aka a "clean installation," which normally is best for moving up from Windows XP. It also describes the process of moving up from Windows Vista (which didn't apply to me), which does not require a "clean installation," also the latter often is the best when changing operating systems, generally speaking.

In separate sections, the book also gives a very good overview of preparing for an upgrade to Windows 7, as well as the new features (including the stricter security protections) found in Windows 7. I will add that at first, the increased security protections took some getting used to in Windows 7. It was quite a nuisance at first when exchanging and zipping up game files between pbem (play by email) opponents, for example.

In short, this is a great book for anyone planning to move from Windows XP or Vista to Windows 7. In my case, the new installation was relatively painless and efficient, even considering that I had to reinstall all of my programs. I have loved Windows 7, even with some "black (not blue) windows of death" crashes at times.

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