Oracle WebCenter 11g Handbook: Build Rich, Customizable Enterprise 2.0 Applications (Osborne ORACLE Press Series

Oracle WebCenter 11g Handbook: Build Rich, Customizable Enterprise 2.0 Applications (Osborne ORACLE Press Series
Frederic Desbiens, Peter Moskovits, Philipp Weckerle
25 Nov 2009
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Master Oracle WebCenter 11gTransform your organization into a personalized, user-focused workplace using the detailed information in this comprehensive Oracle Press guide. Oracle WebCenter 11g Handbook shows you how to build Enterprise 2.0 applications that facilitate collaboration and foster innovation. You'll work with task flows and content systems, employ social networking tools, develop portals and composite applications, and deploy runtime customization.

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Customer Reviews

Sachin Agarwal said
WebCenter 11g Handbook is the most comprehensive yet easy to follow guide for anyone who is engaged in exploring, architecture(ing), designing or implementing WebCenter 11g. Peter and team are in a unique position as they have not only been part of the Oracle WebCenter 11g Development team, but have supported several early customers and partners who have deployed 11g, and have incorporated into this handbook the typical challenges one would face.

The book not only covers WebCenter Services, Metadata Services, Oracle Composer, Re-skinning but also goes into interesting topics like integrating WebCenter with other applications and also how it is being used by Oracle Fusion Applications.

Sachin Agarwal, Oracle E20 Product Management.

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