Pittsburgh PHP Developers Group Monthly Meetup

Pittsburgh PHP Developers Group
2-3 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Pittsburgh, US

Join us in March, again at Interworx's office in Greenfield.  I greatly appreciate their allowing us to meet there.  In case you weren't at the last meetup, you can get a discount off of hosting at http://www.nexcess.net/ with the code PHP_N_AT.

This month, our speaker will be Jason Gilmore, discussing Deploying websites with Phing.  Here is the full description:

Automate It! Deploying Websites From the Command Line with Phing, Capistrano and Liquibase.  Your job is to write great code. Lots of it. But chances are you're spending bunches of time dealing with other tedious tasks such as manually migrating websites using FTP, twiddling with configuration data, and agonizing over database schema updates. In this presentation I'll show you how to use Phing, Capistrano, and Liquibase (all open source projects) to automate these tasks, turning what used to take hours into an afterthought

About Jason Gilmore:

W. Jason Gilmore is the author of six books, including the bestselling "Beginning PHP and MySQL, Fourth Edition", "Easy PHP Websites with the Zend Framework", and "Easy PayPal with PHP". His writings on PHP and other web technologies have been published within Linux Magazine, Developer.com, JSMag, and numerous other online and print publications. Over the years, Jason has instructed hundreds of developers in the United States and Europe. 

Organized and sponsored by: Nezen Creation LLC

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