An Introduction to PHP

This is a comment thread discussing An Introduction to PHP
  • 17 years ago

    You can also do string concatenation like


    $h = "Hello";
    $w = "World";

    $message = "$h $w";

  • 17 years ago

    I have in php a header which brings a save as box , but when file is down loaded it contains the 6 blank spaces at the start of of document .
    I have to avoid storing these blank spaces.Please help me to solve this problem.
  • 14 years ago

    In the PHP file should it be "$_POST["num"]" ?

    instead of just $num?

  • 14 years ago

    Yes, I think you're correct, although you could easily have a line like this:

    $num = $_POST['num'];

    to get around that problem. Which I think is what's missing from this tutorial Wink [;)]

  • 14 years ago
    Here they show how to send valued in one file to another(both are in same folder)
    but i need to send values in one folder to another

  • 11 years ago

    It is not just talk though: Zend server is flourishing despite the recession - "the Q1 of 2009 has been our strongest quarter ever," says Suraski - and although PHP's enterprise market share is small compared to Java or .NET, it is growing. Read more on ITJOBLOG.

  • 11 years ago

    i need information on PHP and MYSQL

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