Vancouver Drupal Users Group: Git workflows for Drupal projects

Vancouver Drupal Users Group
Fri, 25 Mar 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Vancouver, CA

Join us at 6:30pm at The Jibe Multimedia, Inc. for our VanDUG Meeting.



Git workflows for Drupal projects

Mack, Smith, Raphael, and Shawn will discuss how they use the Git version control system to manage Drupal projects. Learn about the benefits and consequences they experienced when their team switched their version control system and how Git helped them find an efficient workflow.

Mack, Smith, Raphael, and Shawn craft Drupal websites at Affinity Bridge.


Lightning Talks

Josh Walker will be presenting on Live Themer, a GUI for making display level modifications to your theme. For video demo, please see:


Attendees are invited to share their experience by giving a 2 to 4 minute presentation on any topic of interest to the Drupal community. If you want to use a laptop to show a website or control panel please be sure you have the necessary cable to connect to an overhead projector.

Drupal Q&A

Bring your questions on anything related to Drupal from how to do something technical in PHP to what modules are needed to implement a feature you want.

Date: TBA 6:30pm (Note: if you'd like to show up earlier, let us know so we can accommodate)
Location: The Jibe Multimedia, inc., #200 - 163 West Hastings, Vancouver, BC [Map] (Buzz: #200. If the buzzer downstairs doesn't get you inside, please call 1-877-866-5423.)
Cost: There is no charge and all are welcome.

For those who don't need to leave right away there's typically a more social discussion at a local pub afterward.

Please keep all discussion on


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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Owning a computer without programming is like having a kitchen and using only the microwave oven” - Charles Petzold