Google Maps API and Google Fusion Tables - DC Event with GTUG

Nova/DC Java Users Group
1-2 Mar 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Washington, US

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Description: The Google Maps API is the most used mapping platform in the world. On over 350,000 sites, it is also the most used mashup API. Recently, Google Fusion Tables has added spatial capabilities. Now Fusion Tables and the Maps API together make a quick and and easy geo stack. This talk will introduce you to using the Maps API with Fusion Tables and show case the capabilities of the two together.

Speaker: Mano Marks has been on Google’s Developer Relations team for the last four years, and is the lead Developer Advocate for Google’s Geo APIs. He has travelled the world helping individuals, corporations, governments and aid organizations use Google’s mapping technologies to communicate their message to the world. Before Google, Mano had an eclectic career that involved getting a Masters in History, a Masters in Information Management and Systems, and working as a data manager in NGOs for over a decade.

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