Discussing 2 entries to the R Package Recommendation Engine competition

NYC Predictive Analytics
Fri, 11 Mar 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , New York, US

Join us on Thursday, March 10, in a slightly less formal format where Max Lin (Team "Record Me Men" - 2nd place) and Alex Lin (Team "Machine" - 4th place) will discuss their participation in and solutions to the R Package Recommendation Engine competition organized by the writers for dataists, a new blog for data hackers.   It was hosted on Kaggle, a new platform for data modeling and prediction competitions and created to support the great R user community.

John Myles White, one of the competition's organizers will also join us to share his insights. Thanks to all the organizers from dataists for putting the competition together!

Further reading:

Max Lin on finishing second on Kaggle's blog No Free Lunch

David J. Slate on winning the R challenge on No Free Lunch.  Congrats to David!

John Myles White github for R recommendation engine

Alex Lin's blog post about his approach


See you there!!

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