Code Sprint

Mumbai Drupal Users Group
Fri, 8 Apr 2011, 08:30 - 10:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mumbai, IN

Thank you all for the wonderful response that we got on out first Drupal Meet here in Mumbai. We all got to interact and set stage for creating a strong Mumbai Drupal Community. We would like to build this into a stage for all Drupalers to meet, collaborate and work on Drupal.

We have planned for a code sprint on Friday, 8th April, 2011 at 2pm. The venue is still undecided. Yashesh has been kind to offer his office premises for the same at Venus Labs, MIDC, Andheri.

We are planning on posting some critical bugs/issues which are going to be targeted during this sprint. So all you Drupalers out there, please put in sometime and participate in this event. Drupal has given all of us an amazing platform to work with and interact with the latest technologies and this would be our way of saying a small thank you and contributing back to the Drupal community.

Would like views and opinions from everyone here about
1. Venue
2. Timings
3. Bug/Issue list

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