SilvaFUG North (SF): RobotLegs / AS3 Signals presentation and discussion

Silicon Valley Flex User Group (SilvaFUG)
Wed, 9 Mar 2011, 02:30 - 04:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , San Francisco, US

Ray McClure and David Marr of Secret Feature will give a brief explanation of what Signals are, then a more in depth explanation of RobotLegs. They will then talk about how the two can be used together using SignalCommands. Finally they will give a demo of their app (Automash) including a walkthrough of the RobotLegs/Signals source.

We're going to open up the last hour to discussion on lightweight frameworks, focusing on RobotLegs experiences, questions, problems, and feedback. We've been asked for more time for group participation., so we're going to do something a little different this time. This will be a good opportunity to share code & projects (in any state) in a fun, friendly, face-to-face + beer setting.

Pizza & Drinks - 6:30pm
Presentation - 7pm

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