The PHP User Group Hamburg and the Department of Computer Science, University Hamburg, Germany are delighted to invite you to the third PHP Unconference. The main focus of the unconference is PHP and related web technologies. There is no official agenda; anyone can suggest a session.
The PHP Unconference 2009 will take place on September 12, 2009 and September 13, 2009 at the Geomatikum, Hamburg University. See the location on Google Maps:
The organizers expect 180 participants from Germany and the rest of the world.
You can register at
Find more informations at
The conference fee is EUR 25.00 for both days. Students of Hamburg University can get in for free. Just send an e-mail to [email protected], saying you are a student and I will return a promotional code for Amiando. During the registration process you are required to enter your student registration number (Matrikelnummer).