Invitation: Eye Tracking Data - Taking creative to the next level

Hi All,

Please note, the next Sydney Data Miners event will be held at Datarati's office at Level 1, 111 Elizabeth Street Sydney. Space is limited and is on a first come first served basis.


Invitation: Eye Tracking Data - Taking creative to the next level 


In this short interactive presentation you will:

- Discover how eye tracking can be used to optimise creative before it goes out

- Understand quantitative and qualitative uses for eye tracking on any medium

- See eye tracking for yourself


James Breeze is the Tobii eye tracker reseller for Australia and New Zealand and the foremost expert on eye tracking in Australia. James regulary visits Sweden and the UK for eye tracking training by world recognised experts. He has been eye tracking in Australia for 10 years.

Objective Digital his UX consultancy, has access to all the different versions of eye trackers. James also runs all of the social media for Tobii @tobiieyetracker


- Discover whats going on with eye tracking globally here:

- How people look at faces in advertising:

This event is proudly sponsored by SPSS.

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