See how to make a multi-cloud eclipse plugin at eclipsecon

jclouds user group
Wed, 23 Mar 2011, 18:00 - 20:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Clara, US

Please note that EclipseCon has registration fees.


This is a tag-team presentation from Aled, VP of Cloudsoft, and Adrian, founder of jclouds.

During this session, you'll learn how Cloudsoft created drag-and-drop deployment across multiple clouds using jclouds. You'll see how Monterey ties into Eclipse from a code and configuration standpoint, as well a live demo dragging code into a cloud like EC2. You'll leave knowing more about the benefits and challenges inherent in multicloud applications.

Here's the agenda!

- Intro to multi-cloud and jclouds

- How we created a cloud-ready plug-in for Eclipse including code and descriptors

- watch Monterey drag-and-drop deployment in action

- watch Monterey moving the deployment across clouds once live


More info and registration link here:

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