Heads Up: Inside Elastic Beanstalk & Adobe AIR as a Beanstalk Front End

Flex 3 & Adobe AIR Junkies
Tue, 8 Mar 2011, 03:00 - 05:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Mountain View, US

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Come out and learn about AWS and building an AIR app as the front-end.

Part 1: Steve and His Elastic Beanstalk
If you don’t know what Elastic Beanstalk is, you need to see this presentation! Steve Stearns built Travel Log, a java application that Amazon is using to prove Elastic Beanstalk’s worth. The app is a travel-focused blog that provides users with an easy way to talk about a trip they're taking with photo galleries, comments, and notifications.  Steve will walk us through how this was all put together and talk about the AWS technologies it leverages.

Part 2: Using Adobe AIR as a Beanstalk Front End
Sanjay Gidwani will walk through an Adobe AIR application that integrates with a service hosted on Elastic Beanstalk. He'll demonstrate how easy it is to deploy these types of applications when a rich interface is needed for basic backend administration purposes.

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