Adding maps to webapps using OpenLayers

The Öresund JavaScript Meetup
Thu, 31 Mar 2011, 16:30 - 18:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Malmö, SE

Openlayers is a good free alternative to google maps. When you combine openlayers with free background maps and geocoding services, then you can have intranet applications running with little or no licensing costs.

Jacob will introduce openlayers and briefly cover coordinate systems, layers and show examples using OGC services like wfs and wms. He will also show how to perform geocoding with nomanitim using openstreetmap data and compare this to using google geocoding.

Johan will introduce GeoExt and show some examples. He will show coordinate transformation using proj4js to combine different datasources and briefly cover Geoserver as a serverside, opensource, alternative if you'd like to host your own data.


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