White Horse Canyon to Los Robles Trail

The Weekday Hikers
Tue, 15 Mar 2011, 16:15 - 18:15 (Add to calendar) GMT
Foxfield Riding School , United States, US

6 Mile Loop
Elevation gain; 1000 feet
This is a part of the Los Robles Trail system linking the open spaces of the inland valley and the ocean front Santa Monica Mountains all the way to the Simi Valley. White Horse Trail loops around the rolling chaparral covered foothills to a ridge overlooking Westlake Village and Thousand Oaks. There is an additional overlook with a panoramic view of Lake Sherwood.We will connect with the Conejo Crest Trail and descend back to the creek.

Okay, here's the kicker. I've never done this hike before. I'm reading it out of my hiking book. So, please come with a sense of adventure to try something new with me. I do have a map. Directions are also from the book and the address is supposedly the Foxfield Riding Club and NOT the trailhead, but across the street from it.

DIRECTION; From the 101 frwy in Thousand Oaks, exit Westlake Blvd and go south or towards the ocean. Drive 1.8 miles to East Potrero Rd. and turn RIGHT. Go .5 miles and park on the south side of the street past the bridge.

Be on time. We leave the trail head promptly at the time indicated.

Bring lots of water and have extra in your car. Bug repellent, sunscreen and a snack of some kind (energy bar, nuts and fruit etc.) are also a good idea.

Never hike on an empty stomach!

Always check the website the morning of the hike to be sure it is still on. Rain cancels.

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