The jQuery Manchester meetup returns to the MadLab on the 10th May 2011. We have two great speakers lined up for you this evening.
Firstly, we have Paul Jackson talking from a designers perspective on where CSS stops and where jQuery begins. He'll be going beyond :hover and :active and also look at how you can gracefully degrade the experience for users who don't have Javascript enabled. Paul is a web designer, currently working for a communications agency in Congleton. He designs & builds websites using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery & Expression Engine.
Next up we have Iain Mitchell with his talk "$(this) is context... or how I learned to stop worrying and love jQuery”. jQuery is all about context, but what is it? Why should we be aware of it? How can we exploit it? Iain is a Microsoft Certified Senior Software Engineer based in Manchester. In recent years he has had considerable experience in getting .NET and jQuery to play nice. Many of these adventures are recounted in his blog or screamed out in frustration from his twitter account @iainjmitchell.
We will also be starting a new feature for our *Plugin of the Month*. This will be voted for by yourselves, with the winning plugin receiving an overview on its functionality at the meetup.
So come along and see what we’re about, you can RSVP for the event and if you’d like to get involved then get in touch with Jon through the meetup page. You can also get in touch with us through twitter @jquerymanc
Really looking forward to seeing you there!