Atlanta PHP April 2011 Meeting

Atlanta PHP User Group
7-8 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Atlanta, US

IMPORTANT – NEW LOCATION: We’ve decided to permanently move our meetings to Strongbox West. See above link for directions.

PRESENTATION: PEARFarm, Social Coding, Open-Source Done Right & The Future of the PHP Community

Presentation and lab by Alan Pinstein and Jason Ardell

While it's mostly the php internals folks that drive the evolution of the PHP language, every single PHP developer has the opportunity to participate in the improvement of the PHP community.

Open-source collaboration models have evolved drastically since the early days of PHP and PEAR. Tools like Github, StackExchange, Twitter, RubyGems, and PyPI have revolutionized the ability to experiment, discover, collaborate, and manage open-source projects. Younger languages with visionary leaders and modern organizational structures are helping their developers accelerate their productivity at a much faster rate than currently seen in the PHP world.

Fortunately, the PHP community is starting to take advantage of these new innovations. At this month's meeting, we'll be discussing these innovations, as well as how you can participate with and motivate others to embrace these tools within the PHP community.

We'll also take an in-depth look at PEARFarm (, a set of tools that makes it easy to produce PEAR packages and share them publicly, spearheaded in part by Atlanta's own Alan Pinstein.

NOTE: This month's meeting will be a combined presentation/lab - so find some code that you're ready to share with the world and let's publish some code!

Mini-talk before the main presentation

"Flash and PHP" by Hoyt Jolly

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“C++: an octopus made by nailing extra legs onto a dog.” - Steve Taylor