jclouds meetup at eclipsecon

jclouds user group
Thu, 24 Mar 2011, 01:00 - 03:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Santa Clara, US

*This meetup takes place in a room sponsored by EclipseCon, but is a free event.*

Meet jclouds community members and share ideas about real world usage of jclouds including Eclipse and OSGi.

See Gustavo (@gustavomzw) employ OSGi to switch cloud providers while his application is still running! 

David Bosschaert (@davidbosschaert) will overview the OSGi cloud RFP and what this means to those planning on consuming or producing OSGi based PaaS offerings.

Please join us and help exchange stories.  If you have ideas for other short presentations, please do send them to the organizers.

See you there!

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