Liberty Canyon to Century Lake

The Weekday Hikers
Tue, 22 Mar 2011, 16:00 - 18:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Calabasas, US

We begin our journey hiking south in Liberty Canyon -- one of three natural preserves in Malibu Creek State Park. The canyon has a rare stand of California Valley Oak. Soon we turn west onto the Phantom Trail, cross a creek, trek up a ridge, then south again and rise further along the western ridge of Liberty Canyon.

After a couple miles the trail puts us down onto Mulholland Hwy. We proceed across Mulholland onto the Cistern Trail in Malibu Creek Stat Park. Cistern Trail ascends a bit as it leaves Mulholland Highway, but soon after begins heading downhill, with views of Reagan Ranch off to the right, and the Goat Buttes and Castro Crest of Malibu Creek State Park ahead.

After a short distance we will merge with the Lookout Trail and take that down to Century Lake for a snack/lunch break next to the water. After some exploring of the remnants of the old Cragg's Lodge we will then take Cragg's Rd to Grasslands Trail back to Mulholland and Liberty Canyon to close the loop.

This is a moderate 8 mile hike. There will be a slightly strenuous stretch near the beginning of the hike, but nothing fatal.

Directions to trailhead.

From 101, exit Liberty Canyon Rd in Calabasas. Take road south less than a mile and park near the end of the road.

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