Webinar - Using Layers in Photoshop

DFWAUG - Dallas/Ft. Worth Adobe Users Group
Sat, 26 Mar 2011, 00:00 - 02:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Dallas, US
10.0 USD


Layers in Photoshop. You've heard about them, maybe you're even using them, but are you really taking advantage of all that layers have to offer?

Come join us as renowned Adobe Community Professional & Adobe Certified Instructor, A.J. Wood, presents the Photoshop Core Series - Layers.

Topics will include:

  • Intro to Layers - Beginners will get up to speed on how, what, when & why of layers.
  • Adjustment Layers - non-destructive tonal corrections.
  • Layer Blend Modes - it isn't always necessary to make selections.
  • Layer Styles - creating more than type effects.
  • Layers Masks/Clipping Masks - non-destructive pixel editing.

Photoshop has become an important piece in digital photography workflow. If you're the type of person who wants to improve their image processing abilities, the Photoshop Core Series is just what you need.

This webinar is being offered by our sponsors at an one-time special of $10. Payment can be made via PayPal. If you have any questions, or if you need to make other payment arrangements, you can email A.J. at contact AT media-cats.com

Webinar URL will be sent to the email associated with your PayPal account.

A.J. posts weekly videos on Lightroom & Photoshop, and is regularly featured on Adobe's Facebook community pages. Ranked the #1 Adobe Certified Instructor WORLDWIDE more than once, he was invited to become an Adobe Community Professional in 2009.

For daily Adobe tips follow A.J. on Twitter, or join A.J.'s community on Facebook.

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