INVITATION: Using Artificial Intelligence to maximise Social Capital


Presentation topic:

Using Artificial Intelligence to maximise Social Capital

Speaker: Matt Kuperholz, Principal - Deloitte Analytics

Presentation summary:

M@ Kuperholz demonstrates how Deloitte Analytics has developed and delivered unique solutions for increasing the value of their own and their clients Social Capital by combining data harvesting approaches, advanced Social Network Analysis, Text Mining, Artificial Intelligence based modelling techniques and bespoke visualisation solutions.

Short Bio:

M@ Kuperholz is a principal with Deloitte who is formally trained in actuarial science and computer science. His technical skills in these fields have been honed and expanded over more than 15 years of consulting to top-tier companies to make him expert in planning, executing and communicating the results of advanced data analytics.   M@’s area of specialisation is in the application of artificial intelligence (machine learning) technologies to detailed and complex data to provide valuable and actionable insight into the various business issues encapsulated by his clients data.

Event Location: Datarati - Level 1, 111 Elizabeth Street - Sydney NSW 2000

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