Layout Planning for the new Space

hackerspaces Buffalo NY
31 Mar-1 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
The Karma Incubator , Buffalo, US

So as most people already know, we are downsizing our physical space considerably with this move. That means we must be more much efficient in our usage of what space we have!

Mike is chair of the Move In Committee and will be spearheading our efforts to build shelves, desks and anything else we need to keep things somewhat organized so we can work on projects and have events!

If you are proficient in building things with wood, metal or other materials you're help is requested! We will need to work up some estimates on material costs so we can raise the funds to do what we want. Do some reconnaissance at your local lumber supply or home improvement store before Thursday!

Also, please make sure you have a coat or other warm clothing. The heat is not yet connected on the 3rd floor and we will be spending time there to do our planning.

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