Your Business & The Importance of Copywriting

Byzhub Vancouver - Entrepreneur Meetup
Thu, 5 May 2011, 01:30 - 03:30 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Vancouver, CA
5.0 CAD

This is a tentative date, if a Canucks playoff game falls on this day we will move forward or backward a day. :-), location will be announced once date is finalized.


Charity we are supporting this month is BC Cancer Foundation for the Ride to Conquer Cancer in June 18 - 19


Here is the panel...

Rick Sloboda  @Webcopyplus I'm a Senior Web Copywriter at Webcopyplus. We help designers and businesses increase leads and sales with optimized content.

Kim McMullen @FlipsideCreate

Design and writing studio with a penchant for pretty things.

Keri Haywood  @suigenerisedit Copy Editor/Writer: edit, proof, content development, research. Focuses on social media. Enjoys volunteering, books, food & travel


Kathleen Rake @KathleenRake   Professional freelance writer, copywriter, wine columnist and blogger who has married her craft to her passion—WINE! More: 


Ronda Payne @Rondapayne I am a writer. Yes I am & I love it! Copywriting, freelancing, writer of stories, books, etc. Wife, daughter, friend. Pet mom. It's a great life!




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