unWWDC - the "official unofficial unconference to WWDC"

L.A. & O.C. iOS meetup group for iPhone, iPad, & iPod touch
Mon, 6 Jun 2011, 14:00 - 16:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Whittier, US

Can't attend the official Apple WWDC event? Sign up for unWWDC, an online unconference set for June 6-10, 2011.




  • What is unWWDC? 
    The official Apple WWDC 2011 event is sold out (over 5,000 seats in under 12 hours). This left thousands of fans and developers wondering how they will get their fix - how will the rest of us get to learn more about developing apps?! We need an event for the rest of us. The unWWDC unconference is that event. By providing a unique event for those of us who cannot attend WWDC we help strengthen and grow our community. http://unwwdc.com
  • Will unWWDC only cover iOS and Mac OS development?

  • When and where will unWWDC take place?
    The unWWDC event will take place from June 6-10, 2011. The event will take place online - details TBA. http://unwwdc.com

  • How much will the event cost?
    Pricing and ticket registration will be announced.

  • Can I help or volunteer?
    Yes, we always enjoy community members stepping up to help. We can use volunteers both online and IRL (in real life). Technical presenters should consider submitting their contact info if you would like to be considered for a session. Just mention your interest in the sign-up form available at http://unwwdc.com

  • Is the event looking for sponsors?
    Yes. Please contact us by filling out the sign-up form at http://unwwdc.com


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