Social Web Sampler

Net Tuesday Philly Meetup
7-8 Jun 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Friends Center , Philadelphia, US

It’s our anniversary! Philly NetSquared started holding monthly Net Tuesday gatherings of people “interested in using the social web for social change” back in May, 2008. And, like we did with our second anniversary last year, we’re going to hold a “Social Web Sampler”.

The Sampler will be an opportunity to address how various social web tools can help YOUR nonprofit or social action cause. Blogs. Wikis. Mapping. Facebook. Podcasts. Photo sharing. RSS. Videoblogging. Mobile applications. Twitter. Tagging. LinkedIn. Digg. Meetup. And so much MORE!

  • How are nonprofits and activists using these tools?
  • How can they be used most effectively for YOUR nonprofit or social cause?
  • What are the latest developments and trends?

The evening will be divided into two major sections: Small Groups and Large Group.


First, we’ll have time-limited, small group discussions around a specific social web tool or topic and how it applies to social change or the nonprofit world. Which particular social web tools will be discussed, and who will facilitate those discussions? That’s up to you. You’re all invited to lead a discussion. Maybe you’re an expert in using one (or more) of these tools. But you don’t have to be an expert. Perhaps you are just interested in a tool or topic and want to enjoy a discussion focused on it. YOUR interests and passion will shape the agenda.

We plan to have three 15-20 minute discussion periods, each with 4-5 simultaneous groups, resulting in a total of 12-15 small group discussions focused on a particular social web tool or topic. Each small group discussion will have a computer available for real-time demonstrations (and wireless is available). Small group topics people led last year included, e.g., 

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Podcasting
  • Video podcasting
  • Wordpress
  • Web video conferencing
  • Flickr
  • monitoring/measuring social media impact
  • and more

Think about if you’re interested in leading a group discussion, and we'll have a sign-up form soon.


Then, after our thinking has been stimulated by these small groups, we’ll regather into a large group, and you’ll have the opportunity to enjoy the collective wisdom of the entire crowd by asking about applying these tools and strategies to your own situation.

This will be a highly interactive gathering with lots of shared knowledge and excitement. Lite fare will be provided if you're hungry. Hope to see you there.

We gratefully acknowledge the American Friends Service Committee for sponsoring this anniversary event.

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Our tools

We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“Measuring programming progress by lines of code is like measuring aircraft building progress by weight.” - Bill Gates