Art Planning and Dinosaur Cloning Movie

hackerspaces Buffalo NY
14-15 Apr 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Buffalo, US

This is the proposal we made to fit the "Rapture/Rupture" theme for the event:

God creates Dinosaurs.
God destroys Dinosaurs.
God creates Man.
Man destroys God.
Man creates Dinosaurs...

The Buffalo Lab (also known as Hackerspace) is an experimental
workshop for electronics, programming, robotics, algorithms, and mechanical experimentation. As Buffalo is a world class center of Bio-Informatics research, and because we like to apply powerful algorithms to childhood fantasies, we... accidentally reverse engineered Dinosaurs.

Unfortunately our new location within a downtown technology incubator is not well suited to biological incubation. The metro rail trains attract the attention of one libidinous Ankylosaurus.
There is also simply no place to park a Sauropod. We’ve looked.

In contrast, we feel these artificial life forms would be ideally
housed, even if only temporarily, within the Rock Harbor Yard. Guests bearing admission discount coupons can observe the tools and techniques we used to bring about the second coming of Archaeopteryx (perhaps the most famous transitional species.) Further, they can play with a triplet brood of freshly hatched Triceratops (named Abraham, Anderson, and Dove)

Our team of ‘dedicated’ hackers will keep Rex well contained while visitors supervise the herd of Hadrosaurs before the inevitable first hand lessons in chaos theory. Listen to the deep slow beats of Apatosaurus until a pack of Deinonychus send their makers to their maker.

We will provide supercomputer controlled security door locks, self driving multimedia SUV’s, and thirty seven (37) miles of electrified perimeter fencing. A live goat may or may not be available.

We require a reinforced concrete bunker, two (2) diffuse display
surfaces, and seven (7) tons of green vegetation per day.

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We've got automatic conversion tools to convert C# to VB.NET, VB.NET to C#. Also you can compress javascript and compress css and generate sql connection strings.

“An expert is a man who has made all the mistakes that can be made in a very narrow field” - Niels Bohr