Dead Horse To Eagle Rock

The Weekday Hikers
Tue, 19 Apr 2011, 16:00 - 18:00 (Add to calendar) GMT
(Exact location not available) , Topanga, US

Eagle Rock, the most impressive landmark in all of Topanga State Park, will afford us an airy perch overlooking the upper watershed of Santa Ynez Canyon and the ocean beyond. We will snack and explore on this impressive sandstone rock covered with crevices and caves.

The hike will include the Dead Horse Trail and Musch Trail segments of Backbone Trail. There should be lots of deer sightings.

This is a moderate 8 mile hike with about a 1200 ft elevation gain. Bring camera, plenty of water and lunch or snacks

Post-hike lunch will be at Pat's Grill. Its OK to bring your own beverage (I'll bring some wine)

Directions to trail head: If you've been to Topanga State Park you already know.....look for Dead Horse Trail a couple hundred yards on the left after turning on Entrada

From 101 take Topanga Canyon Blvd south 7.8 miles. Make a sharp left onto Entrada for a couple hundreds yards. Trail and parking is on left side of road.

From PCH turn north on Topanga Canyon Blvd for 4.7 miles. After passing elementary school veer right on Entrada Rd for a couple hundred yards. Trail and parking is on left side of road.

Bring parking money for the Iron Ranger. There is a little free parking outside the gate.

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