Peeling the Web Performance Onion

New York Web Performance Workshop
19-20 May 2011 (Add to calendar) GMT
Meetup HQ , NY, US
5.0 USD

It is clear that web performance has an impact on revenue and the perception of a brand and therefore companies monitor the web performance utilizing various tools. However, for most companies it is still a challenge to properly monitor web performance and resolve the issues quickly.

The presentation will cover:

  • What impacts the end user experience
  • HTTP Basics
  • Various types of monitoring
  • Synthetic web performance monitoring
  • Web monitoring best practices

Dritan Suljoti (@dritans), Chief Product Office, Catchpoint

Meetup HQ is hosting us again. And they still have food and beer!


6:30 - Arrive to Meetup HQ, meet other members
6:45 - Event starts
7:00 - Peeling the Web Performance Onion (Dritan Suljoti)
8:00 - Q&A
8:15 - Book giveaway
8:30 - Open Discussion, Networking


Meetup HQ
632 Broadway
Floor 3
NY, NY 10012

Directions on Google Maps:

Entrance on StreetView:


Velocity 2011 Web Performance & Operations Conference

Web performance and operations, once the secret sauce of elite Web companies, are now essential ingredients in every company's online strategy. The business value of "fast and reliable" has been established, and stakeholders are demanding more and better results now. Get the skills and tools you need to master this ever-shifting, increasingly complex domain at Velocity.


New for Velocity 2011: Mobile Performance. The ubiquity of mobile devices has made small screen optimization critical, so in addition to tracks for OperationsWeb Performance, and Velocity Culture, we've added a fourth focus on Mobile Performance.

Yottaa provides innovative cloud services enabling its customers to assess, benchmark, monitor and optimize their website performance.

Catchpoint is sponsoring us by providing 10% discount to our members and also books for our books section. makes it easy to become a domain ReSeller! Become a domain reseller and benefit from always low bulk domain prices, zero fees and zero commitments.

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